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Milstop Foliar Fungicide 2.27 Kg (SPECIAL ORDER)


MilStop Foliar Fungicide is a contact fungicide for control or suppression of Powdery Mildew on Greenhouse Vegetable Crops, Greenhouse Ornamental Crops, Outdoor Bedding Plants (including, but not limited to, African Daisy, Poinsettia, Hydrangea, Phlox, Rose, Bee Balm, Flowering Dogwood), Field Cucurbits (Cucumbers, Melons, Pumpkins, Squash), Stone Fruits (Peach, Nectarine, Apricot, Plum, Prune), Cannabis (marihuana) that is produced commercially indoors, Field-Grown Cannabis, Field-Grown Hemp, Hops, Greenhouse and Field Strawberries, Greenhouse and Field Herbs and Spices; Grapes (conventional and organic), Artichokes, Greenhouse Lettuce, Field Peppers and Mint.
Benefits & Features:
• Use at or before the first sign of disease
• Fully dissolves in water
• No residue, dries quick and clean
• Cost effective; comes pre-formulated with surfactants
• University tested and proven to be effective
• Does not restrict plant growth
• OMRI listed water-soluble, broad spectrum foliar fungicide
• No special storage conditions
Active Ingredient: Potassium Bicarbonate
Directions for Use: Powdery mildew Foliar Spray every 7-14 days :
• Ensure full plant coverage.
• Do not add surfactant.
• 0.28 kg/1000 m2 (2.8 g/L)
• Suspend applications 3 weeks prior to harvest
OMRI Listed & EcoCert Approved