SpinPro Personal Trimmer
- Save time: instead of hand-trimming and using scissors, you can cut your plants 3x as fast (or faster)
- Trim like a pro: If you don’t know how to trim like a pro, you can compensate for your lack of experience with this professional-grade tool which manicures your plant properly and evens the playing field
- Trims wet plants: you don’t have to wait for dry plants to trim
Best bang for your buck: Motorized trimmers are only a bit faster than the SpinPro, while being almost triple the price in most cases. Get a big bang for your buck – 90% of the speed at 1/3rd of the price - Geared manual rotation: every manual turn you make is amplified exponentially
- Less trimmers needed: cuts out the need to pay trimmers – maximize the output of anyone working on your product
- Lower price: lower cost than our competitor’s manual trimmers
- Motorized addon available: don’t want to turn it by hand? Attach our SpinPro Motor for a fully motorized trim. You can also use your own variable speed drill to power the SpinPro.